Custom post type orderby menu_order not working?

So this seems like it should be straight forward – you’ve created your custom post type within wordpress, but for some reason your template is totally ignoring your orderby commands. You try setting it to orderby=menu_type, or orderby=ID, but nothing seems...

How to add an Admin user to a WordPress install via FTP

So I’ve decided to start using this blog as a place to store useful WordPress tricks and things as I come across them and learn them. So this is a little snippet to allow you to add an Admin user to a WordPress install even if you only have FTP access. Obviously...

Christmas approaches

Yep, another year rears it’s bizarre and blurry head. The past few months I’ve learnt a lot about jQuery development, and WordPress tricks and techniques. Things are jumping forward. Soon I hope to share some of these things with you, in case anyone has...